Ready to turn your email subscribers into pre-sold, ready-to-buy clients without hiring
a pricey content strategist?

Introducing The Nurture Matrix™ Self-Study Masterclass

This masterclass walks you through our proprietary process for creating a 90-day email nurture sequence that’s engineered to pre-sell your programs and prime your new leads to say YES to your offers. 

{No hefty consulting retainer required!}

Show me the details!

"You deserve to have organic content that sells out your program with a waitlist. Your content can help you attract ideal clients who are so stoked and so excited to work with you.
It’s totally possible, Orisha Creative showed me that.
- Sheeren Sun | Radiant Wildheart

Grow an email list ‘they’ say!
Leads will invest in your programs ‘they’ say!

Frustratingly it’s never that simple...

Because when it’s time to open the doors for enrollment you wind up feeling brutally betrayed by your list and that well seeming advice. #wheretheclientsat??

The trouble is...while you’ve been busting your chops to grow a list and plan a launch, you’ve been missing a key (rarely discussed) factor in email conversion.

A decent number of email subscribers and solid launch content aren’t solely responsible for priming leads to step into your programs.

It’s those post opt-in, NURTURE emails that hold the power to radically improve conversion IF they’re engineered to pre-sell your programs that is.

For this to happen you can’t make up your nurture emails on the fly or expect that sharing what’s inspiring you in the moment to move the needle. 

So how do you figure out the nurture messaging that’ll get new leads to stay beyond the freebie and lean in to working with you?

Introducing The Nurture Matrix™

The Nurture Matrix™ is an evergreen nurture framework that effectively turns more new email leads into clients without needing to create brand new content every month to #stayvisible between enrollment campaigns.

The driving force behind our framework is its ability to define and zero in on your Core Nurture Themes.

Why Identify Your Core Nurture Themes?

A Core Nurture Theme is Orisha Creative speak for the vital messaging angles needed in your nurture marketing to prime your ideal clients to buy. 

Core Nurture Themes consist of very specific messaging that accelerates the buying journey of your most ideal clients, prepping them to raise their hands to work with you, WITHOUT needing to over-sell them (like we’re taught to during a traditional launch).

When you create a Nurture Email Sequence that’s rooted in your Core Nurture Themes
like you’ll be doing in the Nurture Matrix™ Self-Study Masterclass, you’ll:

Stop racking your brain about what to email your list every single week.

Ditch your weekly newsletter strategy in favor of a sequence that’s far more compelling.

Create emails that deeply engage your newest prospects in a conversation that centers their buying experience.

Establish YOU as the mentor they need to work with next.

As your Core Nurture Theme driven email sequence rolls out, your ideal clients lean all the way in.

Every email they receive has them ready to raise their hand and learn more about your offer, not because you’re pitching  them every week but because the messages you’re sharing accelerate their buyers’ journey and the decision to hire you. This ultimately  fills your programs in a fraction of the time...often without traditional launch tactics.

"Working with Tamika & the Orisha Team was better than Christmas! if you want to stop stabbing in the dark and build an intentional and automated nurture sequence that makes it easier and faster for you and your soul-mate clients to have the transformation they dream of, I recommend working with Tamika & the Orisha crew."

Kelly Clark | Founder of The 10 Principles

"Working with Orisha Creative was a fantastic experience that I would (and have) recommend in a heartbeat! Tamika provided me with such a wealth of insight into not only the emails I was writing, but how the entire experience I was creating could be crafted to be a win-win for both author and readers."

Kimberly Finix | Founder of Phoenix Path

Is the Nurture Matrix™ for you?

The Nurture Matrix™ Self-Study Masterclass is your guide to creating a 90 Day Nurture Email Sequence engineered to turn more of your new leads into paying clients.

It’s an ideal experience if you:

  • Have been focused on lead-gen activities to build your list but aren’t seeing the conversion (aka sales) you want
  • Rely on newsletters to ‘nurture’ your list but hear crickets whenever you make an invitation to work with you   
  • Know you should be nurturing your community but never know what to say
  • Want to start list building and want those efforts to pay off from the start   
  • Maxed out on time and know email automation would bring you more time-freedom as you build your business  
  • Love the idea of creating content assets you can refine and repurpose instead of reinventing the wheel   

Turning your NEW leads into NEW clients
doesn’t happen automagically! 

In fact, our more established clients WISH they found us when they were just starting out. 

Why? Because… 

  • Implementing The Nurture Matrix™ would’ve kept more of their new leads engaged and primed to buy, saving hundreds of thousands on lead gen and launches over the years 
  • They would’ve churned out far less content to #stayvisible and that means your zone of genius stays focused on the magic you do
  • Delivering the right messages to their prospects at the right time would’ve helped them help more people more quickly! 

"If you want to feel confident in the clarity, effectiveness, and soul of your writing and want to be brought into even deeper clarity around your ideal client journey as you create content that truly serves your community and future clients then Orisha Creative is for you!"

Andrea Henry | Founder of Henry Brooks LLP

Thing is, when you’re just starting out it’s not always aligned to hire an experienced Content Strategist or agency to help you get an effective nurture strategy rolling, that’s why we’ve created the Nurture Matrix™ Self-Study Masterclass!

Whether you’re prepping to launch a new program or you've been filling it for years, our highly effective Nurture Matrix™ framework:

  • Plugs that leaky bucket at the top of your funnel that makes new leads unsubscribe right after they scoop up your freebie or stay on your list but never open another email. 
  • Primes your most ideal prospects to buy well BEFORE they are invited to click buy or hop on a sales call.
  • Shaves hours off your content creation time instead of worrying about what to email your list each week.
  • Allows you to enjoy a more RELAXED launch flow when it’s time to fill your programs—because when your community is all warmed up and waiting for your invitation you don’t have to do 5 days of livestreams, 50 emails, a webinar and tons of personal outreach to fill a program.

AND most exciting of all, you’ll build an inventory of foundational rinse & repeat content that can be repurposed and roll out on social media for a truly nurtured community!

Ready to build a foundation that will turn more of your new leads into new clients and ditch your underperforming weekly newsletter?

What’s Included in the Masterclass: 

When you enroll in the Nurture Matrix Self-Study Masterclass, you’ll receive INSTANT access to 3.5 hrs of pre-recorded training and worksheets that guide you through:


Enroll in The Nurture Matrix™ Self-Study Masterclass you’ll receive 3 BONUS MODULES

The Nurture Matrix™ is all about the middle of your funnel…and middle of the funnel work means nothing if your entire funnel isn’t being dialed in. 

These bonus trainings (valued at $1997 USD) work with your nurture sequence to refine and optimize your entire sales funnel! 

Here’s what’s covered in the BONUS modules :  

Bonus Module 1: Organic Strategies To Grow Your Email List

  • Growing Your List Through Relationships
  • How to Make Others Want To Collaborate With You

Bonus Module 2: Hitting Your Sales Goals

  • Sales Pages That Convert
  • Your Guide to Building a Sales Sequence
  • How To Use Market Research To Reach Your Sales Goals

Bonus Module 3: Be Your Own Marketing Director 

  • Monthly Marketing Check-Ins to Hit Your Enrolment Goals
  • How to Create a Marketing Calendar
  • Mapping Your Evergreen Funnel Journey
  • The Power of Marketing Experiments

That’s an additional 9 lessons of pre-recorded training and guided worksheets keeping you on track to hitting (even surpassing) your enrollment and sales goals!

We constantly get emails about how valuable people find the content that we have created. And in reality, we're just using the Nurture Matrix™ framework that was provided by Orisha. It's amazing. It's created a lot of ease. We've increased profits by at least 45% along the way.

Manpreet Dhillon | Veza Global

What’s The Investment?

Before we talk numbers, It bears noting: For our premium done-with-you (DWY) and done-for-you (DFY) services, our clients have historically invested between $3,000 USD and $15,000 USD with us to create their full 90-day evergreen Nurture Matrix™.

This is a significant project retainer they happily paid because implementing the Nurture Matrix™ framework is “the best marketing investment they’ve ever made”.

Their words, not ours and I know they mean it based on the glowing referrals that steadily flow in!

Of course, the Nurture Matrix™ Self- Study Masterclass is a self-guided program AND we’re starting with the foundational steps (your Core Nurture Themes and Nurture Email Sequence), not the whole enchilada.

That means your investment is a fraction of the investment our DFY clients pay.

To access the Self-Study Masterclass, your investment is only $947 USD! 

***Unless you love early-bird savings!!!***


>> All this for $947 $447 USD <<
(note: $500 savings automatically expires on checkout page after 72 hours regardless of the price listed above)

All in and ready to enroll with savings and bonuses?

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't want to keep using what's NOT working and my list could really use some love... What do I email while I'm learning this new strategic way to email?

If you’re ready to get to experimenting right away we’ve got you covered! Inside the online learning portal we’ll share some ways you can begin to play with and test out your new messaging direction right away.

If that doesn’t feel great for you it might be worthwhile to announce an “online marketing sabbatical” to your community. They’ll appreciate your transparency and to know that you’ll be coming back with AMAZING new content.

What if the messaging I'm using to attract new leads or sell my program needs to be tweaked slightly?

All good!  The initial steps to creating your Nurture Matrix™ Email Sequence require deeply connecting to the ideal client you want to be working with now. Plus having your core nurture themes defined will help you isolate those key messages this newly refined ideal client needs to receive across your entire funnel. One of the hidden benefits of this process is its ability to shine a light on other aspects of your messaging that need to shift.

What if I don't want to write my own emails?

GREAT! Go ahead and call up your favorite copywriter. Have a writer on-staff? Even better! You can loop a freelancer or team member into the process from the start.

If you’re in search of a writer we’re open to making introductions too! Send us a note to

What's your return policy?

All digital products are final sale but that doesn’t mean you’re on your own! 

If you need help accessing the content or curious to know next steps once you’ve completed the program, let us know by sending us a note to

I want to build my sequence effectively AND efficiently... Is there a way to get additional support?

Absolutely! Inside the Online Learning Portal, we’ll share how you can book a short, focused consultation to apply our strategic and messaging genius to your Nurture Matrix™ and buyer’s journey …all with special preferred client savings!

PRO TIP: Also look closely on the order page for a one-time opportunity to get our eyes on your welcome sequence too! 

Still scrolling for a sign this is for you?

Here are some real-life results our clients have experienced
through implementing the Nurture Matrix™!

Nzinga Moore | Empowered to Act®

Elizabeth Purvis | 7-Figure Goddess

Brenda MacIntyre | Medicine Song Woman Creations

Dr. Anne Whitehouse | The Re-Power®

Laura Wieck | BodyMind Coaching

Hallie Bulkin | Feed The Peds & The Myo Membership

Shereen Sun | Radiant Wildheart

Laura Wright | EPIC At Sales

Be our next nurture success story!

Click Here To Get Instant Access For Just $447 USD  (reg. $947)

(note: $500 savings automatically expires on checkout page after 72 hours regardless of the price listed above)

Meet Your Masterclass Instructor, Tamika Auwai

Tamika Auwai is a seasoned Nurture Marketing Strategist, Chief Content Marketing Officer for several established Coaches, and CEO of Orisha Creative, a full service, nurture marketing agency serving 7-figure Coaches and Experts in the personal growth field.

About Orisha Creative

Orisha Creative is the nurture marketing agency that smart Coaches call when they’re ready to get off the content creation treadmill without seeing sales dip! Our proprietary nurture marketing framework, the Nurture Matrix™, helps established coaches, mentors and teachers get OUT of the marketing day-to-day while seeing their premium programs fill in a fraction of the time. To date, we’ve helped our clients generate over $3M in sales and counting WITHOUT creating brand new content 24/7!